am power hour

AM Power Hour is held the first Tuesday of each month at a different member business. (with a few exceptions)

It's a FREE morning mixer for our current and potential members to attend. Stop by on your way to work for a great breakfast & terrific networking with your fellow members.  Interested in hosting?  Give us a call!

pm power hour

This is just like The Coffee Club but in the late afternoon!  It is a one hour networking event hosted by members.  It is free to all members. It takes place the third Wednesday of most months.  Subject to change.

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fun bunch

We meet for lunch twice a month at an area establishment for small talk and a little networking.

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mixer logo

Almost every month, we meet at a local establishment for an after hours get together.

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Chamber Fusions are Deluxe Chamber Mixers!  We are committed to inviting other Chambers to "mix" with us.  Check our calendar for all the details.

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Chamber Open House

Good food & great friends.  It's a winning combination you don't want to miss ...

This event is FREE to current Chamber members.

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Ribbon Cuttings

We celebrate new businesses with a Ribbon Cutting designed to welcome and introduce the staff to the Chamber and community, plus there is always room for networking.

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Women's Forum Networking Group

Ladies looking for a great way to connect with other businesswomen in the area should visit the Women's Forum Networking Group.

It's easy to participate.  The group meets the last Wednesday of every month at area eateries for dinner and networking.  Businesswomen from the South Lyon Area and Huron Valley Chambers of Commerce are invited to attend.  There's no cost to join the group but dinner cost varies at each restaurant.  Simply fill out the Women's Forum Networking Group registration form and return it the Chamber to start receiving event email invitations.


Download Registration Form HERE 

Or fill out your name, email, and phone here

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